Relaxation  Oscillator

The circuit in Fig.1 operates as an unstable multivibrator producing at the output rectangular pulses. It consists of a capacitor in parallel with a negative impedance converter (NIC) shown within the dot lines. The circuit is known as Relaxation oscillator  or  Schmitt-trigger oscillator [1] .



Fig.1   a) Relaxation oscillator

b)  I-V characteristic of the Negative Impedance Converter


The I-V characteristic of the NIC is shown in Fig.1b. Due to the fact that there is a part in the I-V characteristic with a negative slope (P2P4), it is possible to have instability. This is achieved by placing a capacitor in parallel with the NIC.

As a result, rectangular pulses are produced at the output of the amplifier. The OFF state of these pulses is defined by,


while, the ON state is defined by,


where, VCC and  VEE are the DC power supplies and,


The period of oscillation is given by,





In the case where,  VCC=-VEE  the expression could be rewritten as follows



that is, at the output we have square pulses.

For R1=R2 , it is,  β=0.5, and then,


[1] Chua O. L., Desoer A.C., Kuh S. E.:``Linear and nonlinear Circuits``, McGraw-Hill, 1987.